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Your heart beats faster due to action of the adrenaline hormone. The effect of the stimulation of sympathetic system also stimulate your heart rate. All this is mediated through stimulation of the SA node, the pace maker.

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10y ago
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13y ago

Easy q. first run 10 laps after that your heart is going pretty fast.Trust me iv don it before

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9y ago

Anything that releases adrenaline into the bloodstream may make your heart beat faster. These triggers could include a shock or scare, emotion or anticipation of an imminent event.

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14y ago

A fright, exercise,

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red bull

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Q: What may make your heart beat faster?
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No, seeing a naked person is generally not bad for your health. However, if you have a weak heart or heart problems, seeing a naked person may make your heart beat faster, which wouldn't be so healthy.

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Your heart beats fast because when your brain gets a sudden fright it contracts all muscles and that uses oxygen and it also contracts the heart and so the heart needs to pump blood around more often so the muscles can continue to react in the state of emergency in rapid speed. I hope this answers your question.

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Yes you can but u have to be in a silent room or else you may not hear it. Also u have to make suction to where the heart is too...

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I did an experiment and it came out younger people have faster heart rates then older people. This may be because the younger peoples hearts are not fully developed and are more expandable which makes the heart pump faster. Or, it may be because younger people have a faster metabolism.

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Does a puppy have a faster heart beat than a small dog?

yes but only because they are starting the phase of being older i know it may sound strange but my dog has also been through this phase also many dogs have heart problems so you might want to get this checked out but i think it is pretty normal

What it means for weak hear beat?

When you have a week heart beat, you have some type of heart failure. You may have high blood pressure, coronary artery disease or diabetes. You should see a doctor if you have a weak heart beat.

What happens to you when you get hiccups?

there is a sudden shortness of breath which results in heart area to beat faster. that's why its better to hold your breath and wait for 30 seconds because you may not believe it or not but hiccups may end up in serious condition

You are 30 weeks pregnant and last doctor's appointment the baby's heart beat was 160 and today the heart beat was 136 is everything okay with the baby?

The baby may be sleeping. Between a 120-160 is a normal range for the heartbeat. The activity of your baby will make its heart rate fluctuate, the same as yours.