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No food should make you throw up. If you do throw up from food after eating it, that is probably because you ate too much, ate too fast, the food was bad (spolied, rotten, left out too long, undercooked, overcooked, ect.), or you had some sort of reaction - possibly and allergic reaction - to it.

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Marcelle Heaney

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2y ago
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Something that makes you feel like you want to throw up.

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there is a section in the mind that tells the brain that there is a toxin in the body and so the gag reflex is activated and you throw up the toxin. People throw up during cuncussions because that section of the mind is stimulated.

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It actually causes me to throw up. Maybe if you try to alternate a bit of water in between alcohol drinks, but when I'm already drunk it makes it more likely that I throw up.

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uvula makes you throw up, tonsils make you get strep throat because the bacteria incubate there

What is the purple syrup that makes you throw up?

Go to your GP/a psychiatrist and ask them. They'll know.

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