if you are going somewhere where you are nervous like a swimming carnival or a speech in front of your whole school a simple way to mend a nervous tummy is to grad a few of you favourite smells and get the liquid out of them is they are solid and put them on a piece of paper or anything else that is easy to fold up and every time you get scared or nervous smell the sent and you will feel better.
It makes you feel better because bread is good for you when your sick
we use soda for a drink, along for when you get sick, if you drink it warm, it makes you feel better
It depends on what you are sick with, personally when I am sick with a stomach ache i drink milk and it makes me feel better because of the thickness it goes in your stomach and coats it and makes it feel better, unless you are lactose and tolerant or if you drink skim milk then it won't coat your stomach because it is not thick
Usually it makes you feel better but with a bad throat coughing will make you hurt bad
In some cases working out when you are sick makes you feel better, but in other cases, it would not.
well first hello! when you feel sick your bady is trying to get rid of something this might be anything. if you are sick then you will defantly feel better as you have got rid of the thing that was making you feel unwell, as it is no longer there! you now the old saying better out then in !!!!
denying what someone believes to be true...ex: "Mommy, I feel sick." "No you don't, youre fine."
Yes and no i depends on how sick you are.
"it makes moose sick"
Just take a crap it'll feel better in no time. Seriously a study shows takin a dump makes u feel better
that could be stress or youre pregnant.