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Q: What makes us strong and healthy?
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What can you get in eating vegetables?

its....... give nutrition for us ,its makes us strong ang its makes us healthy

What did eggplant do to us?

eggplant makes us strong and healthy. if you want to grow muscles.

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Yes healthy food makes us strong and fit.

How milk help to your body?

it makes you strong and healthy

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it makes them strong and healthy

What makes Popeye the Sailor Man strong and healthy?

Spinach .

Why do we need dairy food?

To provide Calcium, which makes our bones strong and healthy.

How much water do boxer puppies drink?

On average, boxer puppies drink about 0.5 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. It is important to ensure they have access to clean, fresh water at all times to stay hydrated, especially during hot weather or after exercise.箱ちは活発な子犬のため、体重1ポンドあたり0.5〜1オンスの水を飲むことが一般的です。暑い天候や運動後など、水分補給のために清潔で新鮮な水を常に用意しておくことが重要です。

How do this vegetable help your body?

to keeps us healthy and strong

How does food help you?

it helps you get strong and healthy bones and it makes you feel good in your tummy

How does good nutrition help the skeleton?

it makes your bones to be strong and healthy .

Do milks make your bones strong?

Yes and milks also makes you become healthy.