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Older women's breasts do not get "fat" as much as it would seem. Instead, decreasing hormones affect connective tissue, making breasts sag more. A history of childbirth, breast-feeding, and gravity also pull the breasts downward. ALL females and even males face sagging breasts as they age! As well, fibrous breast tissue feels more dense; almost all women develop some fibrous breast tissue, especially after pregnancy and childbirth.

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Q: What makes older women's breasts get so fat?
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They are literally bags of fat, which makes them squishy.

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you start off with a muscle, and then fat makes them bigger! so fat, tissue, and muscle!

Why do you have small breasts if you are fat?

if your far and have small breasts it means that not much fat I'd getting into your breasts

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It can turn your clitoris into a stick looking thing. It can give men breasts the size of womens. After a while, if you stop taking it, all muscle will turn to fat.

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Are breasts primarily composed of fat or muscle?

Breasts are primarily composed of fat tissue, not muscle tissue.

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your fat

I am are thin but your breasts are kinda bighow can you loose the fat in your breasts?

The same way you lose fat anywhere else. Though, sometimes that fat is supposed to be there.

Is there any spray that makes the breasts tight?

No. Even though you may see some advertised. Breasts are made of fat and there is muscle underneath. You can make the muscle tighter by doing exercises, such as push ups. The breasts themselves are fat and they can get smaller if you lose weight or larger if you gain weight. The skin on the breasts is thinner and more elastic than the skin on other parts of your body. No spray exists to make breasts "tight."

Are female breasts primarily composed of fat or muscle?

Female breasts are primarily composed of fat tissue, not muscle tissue.

Do breasts consist of fat?

Yes, they are.