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This should be a part of the military. They will have the best interest in their men and women instead of a political agenda.

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Q: What level of government do you think should be charge of security from foreign enemies?
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What level of government should be in charge of security from foreign enemies?

i would guess the D.O.D, Dept. of Defense.

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The government department called Centrelink.

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Internal security minister is the person in the Government, who is in charge of all matters of the country's security.

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In most countries, the head of state, such as the President or Prime Minister, is typically responsible for overseeing foreign relations. They may appoint a Minister of Foreign Affairs or Secretary of State to specifically handle diplomatic affairs and represent the country on the world stage.

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It's called Foreign Policy, which the chief executive (or the president) is in charge of.

Is the government's plan for interacting with with the other countries of the world?

It's called Foreign Policy, which the chief executive (or the president) is in charge of.

What is the government's plan for interacting with other countries of the world?

It's called Foreign Policy, which the chief executive (or the president) is in charge of.

What is the government's plan for interacting with the other countries of the world?

It's called Foreign Policy, which the chief executive (or the president) is in charge of.

Who can get security guard jobs?

In order to find out whether or not you need to have security clearance if you are applying for a security guard job, you must consult the people who are in charge of the job and ask them, or consult the government and ask them about the policy.

What is the executive department mainly in charge of?

a little bit of everything. The Executive is the head of the party, the government, the state, the military, foreign affairs, etc