Tree frogs have a commensalism relationship with frogs. Frogs live in bromeliads, but bromeliads are not affected at all.
Tree frogs have a commensalism relationship with frogs. Frogs live in bromeliads, but bromeliads are not affected at all.
Bromeliads are epiphytic plants that can often be found growing on wild tamarind trees. The bromeliads benefit from the tree's structure and position, while the tree is not directly affected by the presence of the bromeliads. This relationship is an example of commensalism, where one organism benefits without causing harm to the other.
Tree frogs have a commensalism relationship with frogs. Frogs live in bromeliads, but bromeliads are not affected at all.
Animals that live and depend on the tree for life.
Animals that live and depend on the tree for life.
What necessities of life does the frog get from the bromeliad
You can pronounce bromeliad as "broh-MEE-lee-ad."
A bromeliad is a type of plant, so it is not a predator or prey. Bromeliads are typically known for their ability to live in diverse habitats and form a symbiotic relationship with certain animals, providing shelter and nutrients in return for protection or pollination services.
That flower is called an orchid. Orchids are known for their intricate and colorful blooms, which can often be found growing on tree branches in rainforests.
Bromeliad is a type of plant. Generally this plant is related to the pineapple, as can be seen if one looks at a picture of a Bromeliad. They generally grow in more tropical regions.
A coconut tree isa monocot because the vascular bundles are scatteredthroughout stem. The stem is filled with moisture (water). It is a flowering plant because it produces a fruit.