I guess, you should visit dermatologists about that, but for the meanwhile, you can help yourself with your skin by using lotions or such with Phytessence Wakame, Cynergy TK and CoQ10 can help to rebuild collagen, in fact they can stimulate keep it natural. That will help your skin condition make it better. http://www.goodhealthyskin.com/
In Tagalog, eczema is called "eksema." It is a common skin condition that causes red, itchy, and inflamed skin.
red, blotchy, itchy, swollen.
heat rash
its pimples... inflamation of the sebaceus gland of the skin..
It's most likely chicken pox. Chicken pox are red spots on the skin and can be very itchy and irritating.
Use goldbond. it works great
necrobiosis diabeticorum
you need to see a doctor.
uticaria most probably put a cool flannel on or eurax cream to cool things down
The spelling is eczema (a skin disease).