Alcoholism when the body physiologically has to have alcohol or it will get very sick to the point of tremors and seizures. Liver disease because the liver break downs alcohol. brain disease due to impact of alcohol on brain cells. Some people get pancreatitis though other diseases can cause punctuates. And malnutrition because calories come from the alcohol and alcoholics do not eat nutritionally.
The good news is that moderate drinkers tend to have better health and live longer than those who are either abstainers or heavy drinkers. In addition to having fewer heart attacks and strokes, moderate consumers of Alcoholic Beverages (beer, wine or distilled spirits or liquor) are generally less likely to suffer hypertension or high blood pressure, peripheral artery disease, Alzheimer's disease and the common cold.
Alcohol drinkers are prone to many health problems. Some are minors that can be treated for a little period of time and some can be very dangerous. Alcohol can cause cancers, cirrhosis of the liver, Heart diseases, strokes, obesity and insomnia. It can also cause pregnancy problems for pregnant womens.
Some health problems that can be caused by alcohol consumption are scarring of your liver, an increased risk of future strokes, depression, anxiety, and increased risk of hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial infarction, and cardiomyopathy, liver disease and many other issues. Check with an online treatment cite or alcohol abuse prevention site, a good one (for example government site) will most likely give you the full list. :)
The only one that anyone should drink (in appropriate amounts) is ethanol. Consuming any other kind of alcohol (isopropanol/isopropyl alcohol: "rubbing alcohol", methanol: "wood alcohol") will be really bad for your health.
Answerprobably not due to 1.The DNA may cancel out the other halves illnessAnswerMermaids are imaginary creatures. They have no issues of any kind.
drivability issues accosiated with improper spark
Car and vehicle pollution can lead to respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and other lung diseases. It can also contribute to heart disease, cancer, and other serious health issues. Additionally, exposure to vehicle pollution has been linked to developmental problems in children and can exacerbate existing health conditions.
mainly diseases. there was also sewage in the streets. just that kind of stuff. ---im doing a proj health issues in London during the 1840s right now for literature class!!! AG
Health issues that involve a contagious disease or a condition that could put others at risk of injury should be reported to the employer.
Yes, there are programs for people who are obese with health issues and who are depressed. One group is the Obesity Action Coalition.
Alcohol should never be mixed with medication of any kind. The alcohol will slow the body down and many medications will react adversely with this to cause harm to the body.
Famine can result in widespread malnutrition, starvation, and death due to lack of food. It can also lead to long-term health issues, weakened immune systems, and increased susceptibility to diseases. Additionally, famine can cause economic instability, displacement of communities, and social unrest.
you could die or you could get sick by the polluion in the air
yea but if you do it make sure to use the kind with ONLY DXM as the main ingredient. the cough and cold kinds have other active ingredients that will cause serious health issues/death if overdosed. not that tripping on delsym is healthy by any means
Lifescript is dedicated to women's health issues. They have information and discussions, from pregnancy and parenting, to food and health, there is much information to be discovered here for women.