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boardwalk fries and Pizza

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Q: What kind of food is New Jersey known for?
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What is the known food of New Jersey?


What kind of jobs do people in new jersey have?

growing food.

What kind of food is in new jersey?

Awesome food like: Pizza, pasta and stuff.

The food each united state is known for?

watermelon for New York and New Jersey

What is New Jersey known for?

Jersey tomatoes, corn, The Turnpike, The Sopranos, the Jersey shore. New Jersey is also known as the Garden State.

What kind of games did they have in colonial New Jersey?

new jersey was not around in the colonial days.

What is Jersey known for?

Jersey tomatoes, corn, The Turnpike, The Sopranos, the Jersey shore. New Jersey is also known as the Garden State.

What kind of tourism does New Jersey have?

Trenton, Jersey city, and Newark.

What does the new jersey state flower mean?

It is not known what the New Jersey state flower means. The state flower of New Jersey is the Viola sororia also known as the common blue violet.

What is the capital of New Jersey the state known as the garden state?

Trenton is the capital city in the U.S. state of New Jersey.

What kind of colony was New Jersey?


What kind of entertaniment is in new jersey?
