Any kind of hernia causes pain, but ventral hernia is very painful.
Femoral hernias are a relatively uncommon type, accounting for only 3% of all hernias. While femoral hernias can occur in both males and females, almost all of them develop in women
Direct hernias are acquired, Indirect hernias are congenital.
Incisional hernias are also ventral hernias.
Yes, women can have hernias. Hernias occur when an organ pushes through a weak spot in the surrounding muscle or tissue. These can happen in the groin, abdomen, or even in the upper thigh area in both men and women.
Some hernias are bad enough that they require surgery. Other ways to relieve hernias are acupuncture, yoga, and depending on what part of the body is herniated, eating smaller meals.
Old ppl
Was it an on the job injury?
There is a wide varieties of hernias that can occur on many places of the body, both in children, women, young and elderly men.
Hernia symptoms in women include : aches, lumps, and pain. Different hernias have different symptoms. Sometimes hernias in women are harder to locate.
Eight thousands years
Some hernias do move. Consult your doctor.