26 clowns
magic, tricks such a flips, high jumps etc, clowns, crazy performances
Balloons are typically made from latex or mylar. Latex balloons are made from natural rubber, while mylar balloons are made from a metallic polyester film. Both materials are lightweight and durable, making them suitable for inflating and decorating with various designs and patterns.
The word that means your scared of clowns is coulrophobia.
what kind of balloons are you talking about???
With a big cake, balloons, a show of clowns, piñatas, music, photographs, the "mañanitas" song...
Balloons hate pop music.
Depending on what kind 1.00-10.00 for 12 balloons
There are latex balloons, foil balloons, helium balloons, air-filled balloons, water balloons, and custom-shaped balloons available in various sizes, colors, and designs for different occasions.
The kind of people that are about 5! Well, basically the people that aren't scared of them and aren't old enough to realize that clowns are silly. I'm not to crazy about clowns myself, but I bet I was when I was small!
hydrogen, helium, hot air
Rubbing a dryer sheet on the fabric or hair can help reduce static electricity generated by balloons. Alternatively, lightly spraying the fabric or hair with a mixture of water and fabric softener can also help eliminate static cling from balloons.