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Q: What keeps the human tongue from rotting out of mouths?
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How do you use your tongue when you kiss a girl?

When you lock lips, you start moving your tongue out of your mouth. it will automatically touch her lips and from there you push through her lips and into her mouth. Then you swirl it around and make various movements with it. hopefully she will do the same and not tongue block you, which is when she doesn't know what she is doing so she keeps her tongue in her own mouth. You basically lick the insides of each others mouths and each others tongue. It's very easy once you get started.

Do you use your tongue when you kiss a girl?

When you lock lips, you start moving your tongue out of your mouth. it will automatically touch her lips and from there you push through her lips and into her mouth. Then you swirl it around and make various movements with it. hopefully she will do the same and not tongue block you, which is when she doesn't know what she is doing so she keeps her tongue in her own mouth. You basically lick the insides of each others mouths and each others tongue. It's very easy once you get started.

Is redwood termite and rot resistant?

yes. the bark contains a high level of tannin, which keeps bugs out and keeps it from rotting.

Why didn't fossil fuels animals rot away?

because energy keeps it from rotting

What is guedels airway for?

- Inserted in mouth, extending from the teeth to the oropharynx. - Prevents obstruction of the trachea by displacement of the tongue into the oropharynx. Keeps the airway open and keeps tongue in place which is handy for other procedures.

What do you do if your genital piercing keeps cutting my partner's tongue and labia?

Get rid of it

Your tongue piercing keeps bleeding?

Well time to visit your doctor.

How does improving food-storage facilities make farming more sustainable?

It keeps food from rotting as quickly and being wasted.

How blue whales get food?

They use their giant mouths.

How do the townspeople treat Hester?

they look down on her, throw objects, and stare at her. she keeps her distance but her name is still in the mouths of townspeople.

What keeps food between the grinding surfaces of the teeth during chewing?

The tongue and the cheeks

What can prevent an apple from rotting salt or sugar?

Salt keeps an apple from rotting but acually from my point of view i did this for my science project and it turned outa lemon juice turned out to work better than salt so try it and see what happens :P