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Like a camera has a case, the eye is surrounded by tissues and are filled with fluid called "humours" to keep it from collapsing.

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Aqueous humor

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Q: What keeps the eye from collapsing?
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The structure of the lungs, which are surrounded by a lining called the pleura, helps to keep them inflated. The pleural pressure is lower than the pressure inside the alveoli, creating a partial vacuum that prevents the lungs from collapsing. Additionally, the presence of surfactant in the alveoli reduces surface tension, helping to maintain lung expansion.

What do you call The balance of forces that keeps a star from collapsing?

Dynamic equilibrium.

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The cell wall in plant cells and the cytoskeleton in animal cells provide structural support to prevent the cell membrane from collapsing. The cell wall is made of cellulose in plants and provides rigidity, while the cytoskeleton is a network of protein filaments that helps maintain cell shape and structural integrity.

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The compound is called surfactant, which is a mixture of lipids and proteins. Surfactant reduces surface tension in the alveoli, preventing them from collapsing and allowing for efficient gas exchange in the lungs.

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The force of nuclear fusion in the star's core creates outward pressure that counteracts the inward force of gravity trying to collapse the star. This balance between pressure and gravity maintains the star's stability on the main sequence.