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Q: What item of yours should you give to your boyfriend to remember you?
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What do you do when your boyfriend breakes up with you?

If u still like him u should tel him that your sorry. You made a mistake and to give you one more chance. Or do as the saying goes "if he she comes back then he or she was yours. if not then he or she was never yours to begin with".

I and my boyfriend won't be able to see each other for long time What should I give to my boyfrined?

you should give him a heart necklace to remember you buy and if he likes you enough, he'll wear it.

Should you give your boyfriend your sex number?

Sure, why not! He is your boyfriend.

Should you give your boyfriend something on valentines day?

Yes, it is sweet to give your boyfriend a valentine.

Should you give your fourth grade boyfriend a valentine?

Sure. if he is a boyfriend it should be even better than the other ones you give.

Why does my boyfriend tell all our friends that we're not together?

== == * Something that is a must is learning good communication skills. You should be asking him this question. You are in control of your life and if you give respect (at any age) then expect it back and if you don't get it from this boyfriend of yours then kick him to the curb as you can do much better.

Why do men lend their things to women to reclaim it later?

When someone lends another a personal item it means that it is not yours to keep, but to use for a specific length of time. If you are in a relationship and your boyfriend has loaned you something then it's technically his and you should give it back. If he gave it to you or it was a gift then it's yours to keep.

If your boyfriend does not buy you a birthday gift?

Buy him a gift! than he will remember that he didn't give you one.

What should you do to your boyfriend on Valentine's Day?

i should give him a kiss and a love letter

What should you do if a friend that used to give you hugs everyday is now giving hugs to your boyfriend?

well, if she was your friend before you started dating him then go talk to her about it and reminder her hes yours, and if she keeps doing it shes not a real friend.

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What should you do if you are mad at your boyfriend?

umm give it some time