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Q: What is your inr supposed to be taking warfarin?
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What does an INR of 3.5 indicate?

An INR of 3.5 is a bit above the goal of 2.0 - 3.0 for proper anticoagulation to be achieved - for those taking warfarin (or Coumadin = brand name) especially.

Can you use lemon while taking warfarin?

Yes, as long as lemon isn't taken in excessive amount, it won't affect the INR.

What medication does INR assess?

The INR (international normalized ratio) assesses warfarin (Coumadin) activity.

Is an inr level of 2.1 dangerous for a person on warfarin?

Usually not. The target INR varies depending on the reason the warfarin is given but most commonly it is between 2 and 3.

Can you eat edamame while taking warfarin?

Not recommended, unless it is counted as part of your daily vitamin k intake. It is high in it and will affect an INR

Can you use ginger and garlic while taking warfarin?

No, garlic (in "natural products" doses) interfers with blood coagulation and might increase the INR.

What foods help to lower or raise an INR reading?

What foods help lower INR if a person is on Warfarin

Will warfarin increase or decrease the INR?

Warafin is a blood thinner so in theory it should decrease your INR but if your doseage is incorrect it could go either way ^^^^^ This idiot is not true. INR is a ratio of your clotting time compared to the nationalized ratio. If one were to take warfarin, their INR would INCREASE, not decrease.

I've been on Warfarin for ages but I still got a clot while on it even though my INR results were extremely high does a INR test for medication levels or is it testing actual clotting time?

The INR test measures how quickly your blood clots while on Warfarin. A high INR indicates slower clotting time. However, factors like a vitamin K-rich diet, certain medications, or medical conditions can affect how Warfarin works, leading to clots despite high INR levels.

What medical condition can interfere with warfarin treatment?

Warfarin is a type of anticoagulant. It is used to prevent harmful blood clots from forming within the body. Patients taking warfarin will need to have regular blood tests in order to ensure that their INR (international normalized ratio) falls within normal range; otherwise they have a risk of excessive bleeding.

Can you take Difene if taking Warfarin?

Can you take Difene for pain while you are taking Warfarin

What is a normal INR level?

Wot is the inr level for someone with a mechanical valveINR = International Normalised Ratio, which describes how 'sticky' the blood is.Values are taken relative to 'normal' which is an INR of 1.0.People taking anticoagulant drugs, such as Warfarin, will have a raised INR, typically between 2.5 and 3.5. This means the blood is less sticky and less likely to form clots in the event of certain surgical procedures or disease.