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Your great uncle's children are your parent's first cousins and your first cousins once removed.

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Q: What is your great uncle's kids to you?
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Are your great uncles kides great cousin to you?

No they would be your second cousins. Those kids are your parents cousins. So they would be your second.

What is the term for your great uncles grandkids?

Your great great aunt is the sister of one of your great grandparents.Her grandson is second cousin to one of your parents, and your second cousin, once removed.

What are your great grandparents brothers and sisters to you?

Your great grandparents brothers and sisters are your great uncles and great aunts.

What relationship are your grandfathers brothers kids to you?

Your grandfather's brothers would be the uncles of your parent. That would make them your great uncle.

What is an uncle's nephew related to the uncles great grandchild?

not to be complicated , but if you have an uncle--> he has a nephew--> as you can see that's not complicated . And if you ask what is a uncles NEPHEW related to an uncles grandfather. in what way ....i would say the nephew is is the great gandfathers great grandson.

Can you have a great aunt twice removed?

Removes, whether once, twice or more, never apply to uncles or aunts, only to cousins. You can have great uncles and great great uncles, etc.

What are your great nephews children to you?

I believe they would be great aunts or great uncles.

What are the kinds of the relativities?

great great (etc.) grandparents great grandparents grandparents + great uncles and great aunts parents + uncles and aunts [=parents' siblings] siblings + cousins [=uncles' and aunts' children] children + nephews and nieces [=siblings' children] grandchildren great gandchildren great great (etc.) grandhildren also cousins and second cousins [=(great-)grandparents' descendants]

What are the different kinds of relatives?

great great (etc.) grandparents great grandparents grandparents + great uncles and great aunts parents + uncles and aunts [=parents' siblings] siblings + cousins [=uncles' and aunts' children] children + nephews and nieces [=siblings' children] grandchildren great gandchildren great great (etc.) grandhildren also cousins and second cousins [=(great-)grandparents' descendants]

What are your children to your uncles daughter?

Your aunt is your child's Great Aunt, so your child is her great niece or great nephew.

What is my Father's Uncle's uncle to me?

Your father's uncle's uncle is the son of your great great grandfather. He may be your great grandfather or he may be another brother of your great grandfather, and thus your great great uncle.Your father's uncle also has aunts and uncles from the other side of his family. That is, he has uncles who are brothers of that one of his parents who is not a descendant of your great great grandfather. Those uncles are not related to you at all.

What relationship are your children to you great nephew?

I believe they would be great aunts or great uncles.