pay a fine
FELONY offense.
THIS IS ONLY AN OPINION: It is difficult to say, but probably not. If it truly was your first offense and you receive probation, the child will probably remain with you. HOWEVER - such an offense DOES give ammunition to the child's father if he wishes to cause you trouble.
A first offense basic extreme DUI offense would still be a misdemeanor in Arizona. Other factors could push the offense to a felony such as multiple offenses or endangerment of a child.
by giving knowledge to people about child labour . i will tell the people that it is a crime. And yet it is not a criminal offense, just a civil offense.
First Offense was created in 1983-06.
First degree sexual assault F2 means that it was a first degree felony. The F2 means that the offense was against a minor child.
A criminal offense, statutory rape and or child molestation.
What is the punishment in the state of California for a first offense battery charge (victim had no bodily injury) with no prior criminal history where defendant has a court-order for child support?
In most jurisdictions child abandonment is a criminal office.
A status offense is an offense that can only be committed by a child. If an adult did the same thing it would not be considered illegal.