Yellow bone marrow is made mostly of fat, while red bone marrow is made of blood cells. Yellow marrow can be converted to red marrow in some instances, and it happens automatically inside the body.
Fat is stored in all bones that consist of yellow bone marrow.
the red bone marrow produces red and white cells and platelets, while they are found in more children than in adults. The yellow bone marrow consist of fats.
Yellow marrow.Yea
White blood cells are formed in the yellow marrow. Red blood cells are formed in the red marrow. Yellow marrow has a higher concentration of fat.
red marrow and yellow marrow...
Red Marrow, and Yellow Marrow.
Yellow bone marrow mostly stores and is made up of fat cells. The yellow bone marrow makes up about half of the adult human bodies bone marrow.
Yellow marrow is the type of bone marrow found in the central cavities of long bones of adults. It is mainly composed of fat cells and serves as a fatty reserve for energy storage. Yellow marrow can convert to red marrow in certain situations, such as during periods of increased blood cell production.
Long bones contain yellow marrow in addition to red marrow. Yellow marrow is stored fat, or adipose tissue.
The two types of marrow are :  ● Red Marrow ● Yellow Marrow ● The function of the red bone marrow is to produce new blood cells ● The yellow marrow stores fat that can be served as an energy reserve. √ :D :P B-)
The marrow in the medullary cavity is primarily composed of yellow marrow, which stores fat, while the marrow in the spongy bone is red marrow where blood cells are produced. Yellow marrow is found in long bones, whereas spongy bones contain red marrow in their trabeculae.
Yellow marrow is mainly composed of fat tissue. It is found in the central cavities of long bones and is the predominant type of marrow in adults.