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Possibly growing pains. Growing pains won't do any harm, just a little bit of pain every now and then.

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Q: What is wrong with your wrist when there is shots of pain in it but no swelling?
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What is wrong with your wrist if you fell and there is shots of pain but no swelling and you can put pressure on it?

Trust me, it's just growing pains OR you may have sprained it or done something to it while, I don't know, participating in certain activities?

Can you have a bad wrist sprain without swelling?

yes. but if you feel around the site where you have pain, it will be "squishy" which indicates a fluid build-up. if you feel that, you know there is something wrong.

Can you have a fractured wrist without swelling?

yeah you can, mine was fractured I had no swelling no bruise, just sharp pain when I moved it yeah you can, mine was fractured I had no swelling no bruise, just sharp pain when I moved it

What happens when you hear a pop in your wrist?

A pop in the wrist may not be anything to worry about. If it is accompanied by pain or swelling you should see a doctor to have this checked.

What are the symptoms of a wrist injury?

The are a few symptoms of wrist injuries. The symptoms include swelling, pain, heat/warmth of the joint, discolouration, deformity and being unable to move the joint.

How do you no when you break or fracture your wrist?

pain, swelling hurts to touch possibly bone poking skin Go see doctor

How do you know if you have a wrist fracture?

The mechanism or how your wrist was hurt plays a big part. If you have point tenderness over a specific carpal or wrist bone. If you have swelling,and bruising and loss of or decreased range of motion. All these things are part of an exam and history. You will need an xray to be positive. The signs of a break or sprain are pain, redness, swelling and a decreased range of movement of your hand. If the swelling and pain does not get less over the course of a few hours, it is best to get the wrist x-rayed as certain breaks might not heal well if left alone. Only an x-ray can determine a fracture.

You broke your wrist 8 mos ago now you want to scream in pain what do you do?

You should not be in pain 8 months after a broken wrist; something is wrong. What to do is see your doctor ASAP.

Which is best for reducing swollen wrist a hot or cold compress?

Id recommend cold, as it reduces swelling.

Pain and swelling elbow and wrist?

Pain and swelling in the elbow and wrist could be indicative of various conditions, such as inflammation, overuse injuries like tendinitis or repetitive strain injury, or even joint damage. It is important to rest the affected area, apply ice to reduce swelling, and consider seeking medical attention to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment.

How can I manage intense wrist pain?

When typing be sure not to rest your wrist on the keyboard or any other thing in front of the keyboard. Resting your wrist causes it to bend and can cause pain. Be sure to leave your wrist elevated while typing.

Why there is swelling and pain mear my anal?

The swelling and pain near your anus might be as a result of the hemorrhoids.