there is nothing wrong with being ginger thatis acuatly myfavirote type of color of hair i have boring dark brown/black
No, of course ginger hair is not wrong. Ginger hair is normal.
Being Ginger - 2013 is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG
Sometimes if you keep dying your hair it will eventually turn ginger, sometimes its a result of going wrong
The red-headed kid did not appreciate being called a ginger.
being ginger!! :).
Being ginger is not bad, however, it is very common for youths to use it as an excuse to poke fun of others.
If he has red hair. because that's all being a ginger means
It means you are a Ranga
there is, but it is not classed as a colour, there are three hair colours: brunette, blond and ginger. strawberry blond is a light ginger, so its classed as ginger. most people are ashamed of being ginger, so they say they are strawberry blond as an excuse of being ginger , and try and make you believe they are blond.
I think you're assuming something wrong here ;) I do know girls with ginger hair who are very happy with their boyfriends. Actually many guys find ginger hair especially attractive.
By peach I expect you mean ginger. No, 90% of ginger cats are male just as 90% of calico/tortoiseshell cats are female. Those two colours are part of the same mutation, Ginger being male and tortie being female but there is cases of ginger females and tortie males.
her name is ginger McCartney i don't think shes famous though