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the area of the burn should be put under cold running water or ice if applicable. the best medicines used are Silversulfadizen ( Sliverx ointment) available in India at any medical store shall be applied at the affected area. other antibiotcs shall be given to avoid internal infections.


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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Clean, running, cold water on the area of the burn for at least 10-15 minutes depending on the severity. Then wrap in cool wet cloths or keep in a cool water bath/bowl for the next 24 hours or otherwise instructed by a doctor; you should try to see one before the 24 hours is up. In any case, stopping air contact and keeping it cool are of high importance. There are also salves, such as aloe, that can alleviate pain and speed healing on minor burns. If you have an aloe plant, then cut off a part of one of the "leaves." Squeeze out the jelly-like fluid inside (this is the aloe) and rub it over the burn. If you don't have a plant, then check your local drug store.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

* Take off any restrictive clothes, watch or any jewelry around the burned part of the body. * To stop damage to the tissue under the skin, it is important to cool the burn for at least 20 minutes, as this will conduct the heat away from the skin and reduce swelling. Hence use cold running water to cool the burn for 20 minutes, may be under the shower, but do not use ice, as ice may cause frostbite, further damaging the skin. * If unable to get under flowing water, immense the burn in cold water or even putting cool wet cloths on is okay so long as the clothes are wet and cool. * If any blisters come up, do not break them, because once broken, they are vulnerable to infection. * Apply any burn crème or antiseptic/antibiotic ointment to the wound. * Apply sterile dressing/gauze but avoid adhesive dressing/adhesive tape as adhesives will peel away the skin at site. * If the size of the wound is greater than 3 cm (say a big coin), take the victim to the nearest emergency room/doctor.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It depends what severity of burn a person has . . .

First degree burns, the most common burns, can be treated with cool water (not cold water) and some Lidocaine gel/burn gel. Once you run some cool water over the burn for 10 to 20 minutes, you can pat the burn dry and apply some gel and a piece of non-stick gauze. It should heal much like a scrape would. You may also take a pain-reliever like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Persons with second degree burns that are larger than about the size of a playing card should go to an emergency room. If the second degree burn is smaller than a playing card, you can normally treat it like a first degree burn UNLESS it is on a sensitive part of the body or on any joints.

Third degree burns are an emergent injury. Call 911 if the person is burned over a large portion of the body, or take the person to an emergency room ASAP if the burns don't cover too much of the body.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Asiaticoside, an active ingredient extracted from a plant called Centella asiatica, has been widely used to promote wound healing. In vitro evaluations it has been demonstrated to increase collagen synthesis and therefore impart tensile strength to skin.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

For first and second degree burns(redness and blisters), you can run the burn under cool water. You can also apply an ice pack or some Aloe Vera gel/spray. For third and electrical burns(charred/burned skin), you call 911. Then you cover the burn with a sterile bandage. DO NOT apply ointments, gels, or creams. DO NOT run under water or apply ice. DO NOT attempt to remove the clothing from affected area.

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βˆ™ 8y ago


-Cool the affected area with room temperature water

-Remove clothing and jewelry, unless it is stuck to the burn.

-Treat as for shock

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βˆ™ 15y ago

In most cases water can be used yo cool the burned area back to nornal body temperature. Never use oil based products like butter, margrine, vaseline etcetera.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Flamazine cream is used to treat burns

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