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Double-blind testing

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Which of the following is used to avoid bias in a clinical trial?

Double Blind Testing -

What is used to avoid bias in a bias clinical?

Double-blind testingRandom Assignment

What industries use a clinical trial management system?

The clinical trial management system is used in biochemical, pharmecutical industries and clinical research institutions. The system itself is used to correlate large amounts of data concerning the clinical trial.

Which type of clinical trials is used the least?

Phase IV trial

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What is clinical research software used for?

Clinical research software is used to manage large amounts of data involved in the daily operations of a clinical trial. It often provides data to business intelligence services.

What is questioning word bias in psychology?

Questioning word bias in psychology refers to the phenomenon where the use of different question words (e.g. "how," "why," "what") can influence the type of response individuals provide. For example, asking "why did you do that?" may lead to a different response than asking "how did that happen?" This bias highlights the importance of being intentional with the language used in research and clinical settings to avoid influencing participants' responses.

Is nicotine patch and placebo the same?

No. A placebo is in a way a "fake medication", a pill without the active ingredient. Often used in clinical trials for the "control group", to avoid psychological bias. A nicotine patch does have an active ingredient (the nicotine), and is used to gradually wean people of smoking.

A scientific method used to avoid psychological bias in medical research is called?

Hypotheses testing

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Which metal is used in clinical thermometer?

Mercury is used in clinical thermometers.

What is a double blind double dummy clinical trial?

The best biometric design for a clinical trial is a double-blind trial comparing the drug against another drug, or placebo. This means that neither the doctor nor patient can tell which treatment the patient is on. To do this both treatments must look identical. Sometimes this is not possible, perhaps 1 drug is a pill, and one is a liquid. In this case biometrics dictates that a double blind double dummy design is used. A dummy liquid is made up to look like the active liquid, and a dummy pill is made up to look like the active pill. Patients then are given either the active pill and the dummy liquid, or the active liquid and the dummy pill.