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not getting any calium and not excersising regularly.

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Q: What is unhealthy for skeletal system?
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What are the risks of having an unhealthy skeletal system?


What system is the skull part of?

The skull is part of the skeletal system in the human body. It provides structural support, protection for the brain, and serves as an attachment site for muscles and ligaments.

What system does marrow belong?

The marrow belongs to the skeletal system. It is found within the cavities of bones and is responsible for producing blood cells.

Where is the skeletal system?

The skeletal system are your bones.

Is skeletal system?

skeletal system* bones. :)

What do you mean by skeletal system?

the skeletal system is a system in the body .

What system is the clavicle a part of?

The clavicle, also known as the collarbone, is part of the skeletal system. It is a long bone that acts as a bridge between the shoulder blade and the sternum, providing support and stability to the shoulder girdle.

What system helps the body move?

skeletal system

What body systems would be affected by degeneration or cartilage in joints?

Degeneration of cartilage in joints primarily affects the musculoskeletal system, leading to conditions like osteoarthritis. Over time, this can impact other systems such as the nervous system due to pain and limited mobility, as well as potentially affecting the cardiovascular system if inactivity leads to poor circulation.

What is a organism that has a skeletal system?

Vertebrates are those that have a skeletal system.

Where are the organs in the skeletal system located?

there are no organs in the skeletal system

What is a monkey skeletal system?

A monkey skeletal system is its bones