UID is an acronym in which stands for Unique Identifier for Dose. UID is used in various medical practices to indicate how much of a drug is to be dosed according to specific ailments.
JSTOR has the document on its website at this link: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/2202449?sid=21105431162501&uid=3737952&uid=17953016&uid=67&uid=62&uid=3&uid=2&uid=17952960&uid=70&uid=2129
well real uid is the uid of the user that created the process whereas effective uid is the uid which determines the privilege of actions for the process.the kernel sets euid=ruid at the time of file creation to know which files the process can access.:)
there is no difference between uid and adhar, both are same thing
The CHIPS UID number of a bank is necessary for the transferring of funds from one bank account to another. The CHIPS UID number for Bank of America is 0959.
BD dosing means "twice daily" or "bid" dosing.
[ $UID -ne 0] # Checks if the user ID is not 0 (root UID)
Zero (0)
Dosing is the amount of a substance that is taken and the number of times daily it is taken.
2 Liq*uid
Intraperitoneal (IP) dosing is the injection of a substance into the peritoneun (body cavity).