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Q: What is trigeminal neuralgia in simple terms?
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Which condition is also known as trigeminal neuralgia?

Other names for Trigeminal Neuralgia are prosopalagia, suicide disease or Fothergill's disease.

Trigeminal neuralgia rash?

Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureaux) is a trigeminal nerve function disorders, which trigeminal (cranial nerve V) is bring sensation from the face to the brain.Trigeminal nerve function disorders causes pain attack sharply. It can happen during few second to few minutes. Actually, trigeminal neuralgia can happen in the adult period, but it's often found in the geriatric.

Can hydrocodone help trigeminal neuralgia?

I think hydrocodone can help you.. Commonly, to reduce the pain of trigeminal neuralgia is given carbamazepine, if isn't any result or arise side effect seriously, replaces by phenitoin. For many cases, uses bachlophen and anti depressant drugs to recovery the trigeminal neuralgia. (source:

What are the different treatment options for trigeminal neuralgia?

A common treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia is medications such as Anticonvulsants and Antispasmodic agents. Trigeminal Neuralgia may also be treated by surgery procedures such as micro-vascular decompression and gamma knife radio-surgery.

Does stress worsen trigeminal neuralgia?

I believe it does. I have Trigeminal Neuralgia and I was recently in a situation where I got extremely frustrated, borderline angry. I know for a fact that my pain increased in frequency and severity. So, to answer your question-- yes, I believe stress worsens trigeminal neuralgia.

How does the trigeminal nerve function in relation to the condition known as trigeminal neuralgia?

The trigeminal nerve is responsible for transmitting sensory information from the face to the brain. In trigeminal neuralgia, this nerve becomes irritated or compressed, causing severe facial pain.

What is another name for douloureux?

Trigeminal neuralgia

What is another name for tic douloureux?

Another name for tic douloureux is trigeminal neuralgia. It is a chronic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, causing intense, stabbing facial pain.

What is the Trigeminal Neuragia?

trigeminal neuralgia is inflamation of trigeminal ganglion & causes pain over distribution of trigeminal nerve

What is another name for trigeminal neuralgia?

People with this pain often wince or twitch, which is where trigeminal neuralgia gets its French nickname tic douloureux, meaning "painful twitch."

Does trigeminal neuralgia resolve itself?

No, it does not resolve itself. Trigeminal Neuralgia only gets worse with time and the damage is permanent. TN affects older people and women more often then men. Some of the best trigeminal neuralgia treatment options include creams, injections and surgery.

What is the treatment for neuralgia?

Glossopharyngeal, trigeminal, and postherpetic neuralgias sometimes respond to anticonvulsant drugs, such as carbamazepine or phenytoin, or to painkillers, such as acetaminophen. Trigeminal neuralgia may also be relieved by surgery.