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Tonus is muscular or body tone. Tonus is defined as the continuous contraction of a muscle in the skeleton system which aids in the return of blood to the heart.

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Q: What is tonus?
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What is called a constant muscle contraction?

Tonus is the continous baseline muscle tone in the body.

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What is tonus also called?

Muscle tone

Where is the center for muscle tonus?

spinal cord

What is Skeletal muscle tonus?

The state of activity or tension of a muscle beyond that related to its physical properties, that is, its active resistance to stretch. In skeletal muscle, tonus is dependent upon efferent innervation. A constant state of slight tension that serves to maintain the muscle in a state of readiness is known as tonus.

What are the 4 stages of a muscle cell?

Tonus (relaxation), Excitation (neural stimulation, Clonus (contraction), Tetanus (prolonged contraction), return to Tonus (relaxation) Or Excitation, Excitation-Contraction Coupling, Contraction, Relaxation

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What is the medical terminology combining form meaning tonus?

Toni- is the medical terminology combining form meaning tonus. The stimulation of individual muscle fibers maintains a state of muscle contration. This is important in maintaining the movement of blood and lymph through out the body

What is the psychological condition characterised by extreme tonus called?

The psychological condition characterized by extreme tonus is called catatonia. Catatonia is a state of psychomotor disturbance that can include immobility, excessive movement, or other abnormal behaviors related to muscle tone.

Is the medical term for normal state of balanced tension called tonis?

Close...the term is tonus.

What has the author Jacob Willem Langelaan written?

Jacob Willem Langelaan has written: 'On muscle tonus' -- subject(s): Reflexes, Muscles

Why thyroxine promotes gluconeogenesis?

Thyroxine upregulates catecholamine receptors which is equivalent to increasing sympathetic tonus and thus directly contributing to increased gluconeogenesis.