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By my vernacular a hook up can be 1 of 2 things.

1: To hook up is the vaguest of the two; it can mean that the two in question are just going to catch up as friends or it may imply that the two are kissing and the sort.

2: The other meaning is when a third party introduces player A and player B to one another with the expressed interest in getting them to start a relationship.

Example: Sarah and I Hooked up last night

- Sarah and I kissed (explained)

Example: Sarah and I are going to hook up over coffee

-Here Sarah and I would meet as friends for coffee

Example: I should hook you and Sarah up.

-I plan to put you and Sarah in a relationship


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You canbe very honest with him. Tell him that is not what you want in a relationship, but that you want something a bit more. Or, you could stop hooking up with him.