"Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel."Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel."Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel."Never" is a big word... The Sun has shone for a long time, and it will continue shining for a long time, but it will eventually run out of fuel.
Yes - the child's needs continue.
There is no reason to not continue it, I understand it has been a long time, but they could do a runion show, it was such a great show
if you were to continue moving the bottle for a long time what would happen to the large sediments?
Its when friends have know each other for a long time, and their friendship will continue for the rest of their days.
I have a timing belt leak, can I continue to drive
----the parties can continue to make compromises over a long period of time(novanet)----
time period assumption
Sustainability is the potential for something to continue surviving is a healthy or successful way over a long period of time.
Tourism can continue in Kenya because of the rich culture and beautiful country and brush. There is beautiful art, music, and animals that will have people touring Kenya for a very long time.
Solar energy will continue as long as there is sun.
The question was asked in 2012, at which time the answer was 346 years. It is being answered in 2014, at which time the answer is now 348 years. This will of course continue to change.