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Q: What is this quote from-'learn to love death's ink-black shadow as much as you love the light of dawn '?
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Related questions

Did light have shadow?

No, light does not have a shadow itself. Shadows are formed when an object blocks light, creating an area without direct light behind it.

How can a shadow be reflected?

It is actually impossible to reflect a shadow, as a shadow is merely an absence of light. However, what IS reflected is the light surrounding the shadow. When this light is reflected, it forms a reflected image of the light's shape, complete with a lack of light, or shadow. In this way, it can look like a shadow is reflected.

What are the two most important elements that create the illusion of depth on a flat surface?

light and shadow

Does the light of the moon cause a physical shadow?

A shadow is caused when there is less light or no light in an area. An object can block the light and thereby cause a shadow. If the light reflecting off the moon is a source of light, objects blocking this light can cause a shadow.

Why is a shadow always on the opposite side of the light source?

Your shadow will fall in the direction opposite the source of light - with you between the light source and the shadow. The direction of your shadow relative to you will depend on what direction you are facing.If you are facing toward the light source, the shadow will be behind you.If you are facing away from the light source, it will be in front of you.If you have the light source to your right, the shadow will be to your left.If you have the light source to your left, the shadow will be to your right.If the light source is directly above you, the shadow will be directly under you.If you move past a light source, your shadow will move from behind you to beside you and then to in front of you.

What Three things we need to have a shadow?

In order to have a shadow, you need a source of light, an object to block that light, and a surface on which the shadow is cast. When light is obstructed by an object, it creates a shadow on the surface opposite the light source.

Can a reflection be a shadow?

It is actually impossible to reflect a shadow, as a shadow is merely an absence of light. However, what IS reflected is the light surrounding the shadow. When this light is reflected, it forms a reflected image of the light's shape, complete with a lack of light, or shadow. In this way, it can look like a shadow is reflected.

Why is your shadow sometimes in front of you and sometimes. behind you?

Your shadow will fall in the direction opposite the source of light - with you between the light source and the shadow. The direction of your shadow relative to you will depend on what direction you are facing.If you are facing toward the light source, the shadow will be behind you.If you are facing away from the light source, it will be in front of you.If you have the light source to your right, the shadow will be to your left.If you have the light source to your left, the shadow will be to your right.If the light source is directly above you, the shadow will be directly under you.If you move past a light source, your shadow will move from behind you to beside you and then to in front of you.

If my back is to the light soure where will my shadow be?

If your back is to the light source your shadow will be in front of you

When was As the Light Does the Shadow created?

As the Light Does the Shadow was created on 2008-09-22.

Who wrote Between Shadow and Light?

Between Shadow and Light was written by John R. Hargrove.

Is your shadow bigger or smaller when you are nearer to the light source?

Your shadow is smaller when you are closer to the light source because the angle at which the light hits you creates a shorter shadow. As you move away from the light source, the angle of the light changes, resulting in a longer and larger shadow.