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The youngest part of the body is the brain. This is the part that the body tries to keep young and fresh for as long as possible. The body ages from the feet up in that order.

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Q: What is the youngest part of your body?
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Newfoundland is the oldest part but one of the youngest provinces

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The Air Force is the youngest military organizationThe Air Force was a part of the Army, and was called the Army Air Corps, until 1947.

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Gaurika Singh from Nepal is the youngest olympian in 2016 Rio Olympic. She is just 13 and took part in swimming events.

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Who was Emma kelly's youngest son?

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Maddison Elliot. born on the 03/11/1998

Body part attached to main part of the body?


Who was the youngest person to walk on the moon?

The youngest person to walk on the moon is Charles Duke. He was 36 years old when he walked on the moon as part of the Apollo 16 mission in 1972.