Cancer is arguably the worst disease in the world because theres no cure found for it and sometimes you can get it without even knowing how.
it a deaseas that help you die easaly
the virus are causes of sickness,cancer or any deaseas
They will not get pregent but will get deaseas
after cure deaseas colitis it seems some times it creates acidity ,
Varicella, as the name for the disease is properly spelled, is another name for chickenpox.
A congenital disease is one which is present from birth and not acquired later. Eg. a congenitally blind person is one who was blind from birth and did not become blind during their life due to an illness or accident.
The same 'worst'. "He is the worst" but also "They are the worst"
For "bad" Comparative is worse Superlative is worst
Worst Cooks in America - 2010 The Worst of the Worst 4-1 was released on: USA: 17 February 2013
Comparative: Worse Superlative: Worst'Worse' I thinkworse, worst
The superlative form of worse is worst. Example sentences: This is the worst storm we've seen in years. That team has the worst record in the league.
Pray :)