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It meens that you dehydrated and u need to drink more fluids like water and juices. This stuff you see is a goey almost dried form of your saliva. It just means you need to drink. The same thing happens to me when i am sick

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10y ago

The white film that at times can be located in the mouth is called thrush. Thrush is a part of the yeast family and can be extremely painful.

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The white stuff on the side of your mouth is just dried saliva. As it dries, the solids in saliva become a greater percentage of the total mass, making it thicken.

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Q: What is the white stuff around my mouth?
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yes it is dieing because it needs to move around and eat if the mouth in white it is cold or sick. yes it is dieing because it needs to move around and eat if the mouth in white it is cold or sick.

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The north pole!

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When deveining a shrimp you may found several colors around the vein. The whitish stuff around the vein is just part of the vein.

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If you have a hole in the mouth with a white line around where a tooth use to be mean that you have a tooth coming back in. I would go to the doctor and have them check it out.

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USe string, fishing wire, or even paper

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stuff your mouth in it and chew and then swallow.

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How do you eat plastic?

you stuff it in your mouth