hardd or tlws i think :D tlws means pretty prydferth is beautiful
Yes. 'hyfryd' can also mean beautiful/lovely.
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL "Rwyt ti'n hardd"
The Welsh word for Toxic is: Gwenwynig
The word 'fern' is not a Welsh word and has no meaning. The Welsh word for 'a fern' is 'rhedynen'.
The Welsh word for 'decibel' is desibel.
The Welsh word for Excellent is ardderchog, it is also the welsh for fantastic.
The Welsh word for mum is mam.The Welsh word for dad is dad.
The Welsh word for planet is 'planed' (plural - planedau)
It means beautiful in Welsh.
the welsh word for trust is 'ymddiried'
The Welsh word for 'landowner' is 'tirfeddiannwr'.
The Welsh word for 'a cave' is ogof.