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It's a disease that is passed on by the bite of a mosquito, flea, etc.

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West Neil Virus


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They are often associated with insects.

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Q: What is the vector born diseases?
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What is a vector and name an animal that is vector?

A vector is an organism that transmits infectious diseases from one host to another. An example of a vector animal is the mosquito, which can transmit diseases such as malaria and dengue fever through its bite.

What are tick vector?

a tick is a vector for diseases such as lyme disease, so it can trasmit diseases from animals (deer) to humans in this case.

Is an animal or insect considered a vector?

A vector is something that carries. Some female mosquitos carry diseases.

Which out of mosquitoes ticks bacteria and humans is not a vector of viral diseases?

Bacteria are not vectors that carry viral diseases.

What is vector-bourne diseases?

A vector-borne illness is an illness carried and actively transmitted by an organism, usually an insect, such as a flea or mosquito

What are the main causes of death in ledcs?

infectious and vector diseases and natural causes.

Two diseases spread by the activity of a vector?

Lyme from ticks, West Nile from mosquitoes.

Common vector in the Caribbean?

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is a common vector in the Caribbean that transmits diseases such as dengue, Zika, and chikungunya.

What are the diseases carried by ants that are a threat to food services?

They are a nuisance pest only, not a known vector.

Why aphids are harmful?

because the can kill plants by sucking the sap and vector plant viruses and diseases

What is biological vector?

A biological vector is an organism, such as an insect or a rodent, that transmits pathogens from one host to another. These vectors can play a significant role in the spread of infectious diseases among populations.

What is the role of the vectors in the transmission of disease?

Vectors play a crucial role in the transmission of diseases by transferring pathogens from one host to another. They can be insects like mosquitoes, ticks, or flies, as well as animals like rodents. Vectors act as carriers for diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, Lyme disease, and plague, among others.