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A macrophage is a type of white blood cell capable of engulfing and destroying harmful bacteria that have invaded the body

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Q: What is the true regarding macrophages?
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True or false Monocytes arise from the bone marrow and later develop into macrophages?

True. Monocytes are produced in the bone marrow and circulate in the bloodstream until they migrate into tissues where they differentiate into macrophages.

True or false when erythrocytes are no longer useful they are destroyed by macrophages in the spleen liver and bone marrow?

True. When erythrocytes are no longer useful they are destroyed by macrophages in the spleen liver and bone marrow.

Red blood cells are called macrophages true or false?

False. Red blood cells are not called macrophages. Macrophages are a type of white blood cell that helps to recognize, engulf, and destroy pathogens and foreign substances in the body.

Do special lysosomes in the macrophage cell contain digestive enzymes that can destroy invading bacteria?

Yes, macrophages contain lysosomes that contain digestive enzymes such as lysozyme and proteases. These enzymes help the macrophages break down and destroy invading bacteria and other pathogens.

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How do macrophages replicate?

Macrophages do not replicate. The bone marrow produces Monocytes which when they find a damaged area transform into Macrophages.

What are the functions of macrophages?

Macrophages play a key role in the immune system by engulfing and digesting pathogens, dead cells, and cellular debris. They also present antigens to activate other immune cells, produce inflammatory mediators, and contribute to tissue repair and remodeling. Overall, macrophages serve to promote immune responses, maintain tissue homeostasis, and participate in various physiological processes.

What is true regarding the Buddha?

Many things are true regarding the Buddha. You need to narrow down your question, or give some context.

Are macrophages responsible for allergic reactions?

No, macrophages are responsible for removing dying or dead cells in the early stages of inflammation. Macrophages essentially ingest these.

What is murine macrophages?

Murine means "of, related to, or affecting rodents of the family Muridae," like mice. Murine macrophages are simply macrophages of these types of animals.

What is alveolar macrophages also known as?

Alveolar macrophages, aka DUST CELLS.

What happens to monocytes when they enter tissues?

They become larger and turn into macrophages