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Often, the treatment used to control high triglycerides is a combination of diet and exercise. If a prescription medication is needed, Statins are the most common type of medications used for this purpose. Because every case is different, a person looking for a way to control a high triglyceride level should seek the advice of a physician.

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Q: What is the treatment commonly used to treat high triglyceride?
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Related questions

Where can you find high triglyceride treatment?

You can find the treatment on Web MD which is a very reliable website that offers treatment as well as other facts that may effect your high triglyceride. They give you an overview, cause, symptoms, as well as treatment.

What are some of the most effective treatment methods for individuals with high triglyceride?

One of the most effective methods to treat a high triglyceride level involves decent fitness. This includes dieting, staying at a healthy weight, being more active, limiting alcohol, no smoking, and reducing fat and sugar intake. In certain cases, you may be able to treat with medicine.

Who is most in need of high triglyceride treatment?

People that have high cholestoral and are overweight could need to have high tryglyceride treatment if it is not lowered and maintained by diet alone.

Can foods high in triglyceride cause cancer?

No foods high in triglyceride do not cause cancer but can cause heart attacks and stroke. Triglyceride is high cholestral so you still don't want to eat a whole lot of food high in triglyceride.

Where can I get treatment for my high triglyceride?

Having high triglycerides puts you at risk for developing heart disease. The treatment that is best for you depends on what caused your triglycerides to be high and how high your level is. For anyone who has a triglyceride level higher than 150 mg/dL, the first step is usually to take action to make sure your LDL - the bad cholesterol - is in the desired range. These are the other actions your doctor may take.

How do I treat high triglycerides naturally?

High triglyceride levels can be treated with diet to a certain extent. You can never go wrong by eating fruit vegetables and whole grains. These will all help.

What drugs can interfere with a Triglycerides test?

Oral contraceptives, estrogen, and cholestyramine can increase triglyceride levels. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C), asparaginase (an enzyme), and various drugs used to treat high blood lipids, can decrease blood triglyceride levels.

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What happens if you have of triglyceride levels?

Triglyceride is a type of fat that can be found in your blood. Your body uses this as a source of energy. If you have a high level of triglyceride, the chances of heart deceases are increased.

What is a high triglyceride level?

Triglyceride levels ranging from 400-1000 mg/dL are considered high and levels greater than 1000 mg/ dL are considered very high.

Is a high triglyceride unhealthy?

Triglycerides are molecules that regulate blood flow. Having a high level is bad because it is associated with heart disease. It is very unhealthy to have high Triglyceride level.

Why do I need to go on a diet to control high triglycerides?

Triglyceride are fats that can accumulate in blood veins causing heart attacks and stokes. The first treatment for high triglycerides is controlling the type and amount of fat contained in our daily diets. Also our level of exercise also can be a factor. If triglyceride levels remain high generally medication is prescribed to help control levels of fat in the blood.