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The 10 Commandments of Garbology

1. Do not mix your waste,

2. Compost biodegradable

3. Recycle Non-Biodegradable

4. Set up physical programs for composting and recycling in

every barangay

5. Total segregation,no segregation,no collection

6. 2 destinations: Back to Mother Earth & Back to Father


7. Decentralize!Small is beautiful

8. An ecology officer.A point person

9. Sue those who defy law especially Public Officials

10. Take Care of LAHAT (Langit,Araw,Hangin,Ako at Tubig)

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Q: What is the ten commandsments of garbology?
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What is garbology?

Garbology is the anthropological study of society through refuse.

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Where in the Bible are the 10 commandsments?

The 10 Commandments (which is what I'm guessing you meant) can be found in Exodus (Chapter 20), and Deuteronomy (Chapter 5).

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Garbology is a term for the scientific study of trash.

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at precisely 10 to 10 , ten to to ten to to ten ten ten , ten to to ten to to ten ten ten

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Ten after ten is a time: Ten minutes after ten in the morning is AM, or twenty-two. ten hundred hours is between noon and midnight and is PM.

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yes, nothing prevents you from having exponents that also have exponents. In the case that you ask about, of ten to the ten to the ten, that would be better expressed as ten to the ten billion, or 1010,000,000,000.

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Ten million ten thousand and ten. There I said it. It's not that hard it is 10,010,010. so ha.

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Ten - Ten album - was created in 1996.