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Q: What is the straw-colored fluid that transports nutrients hormones and waste products?
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The strawcolored fluid that transports nutrients hormones and waste products is known as?


Describe the circulatory system works?

well i know the function of it but not what you want i will still give you the function: Circulatory System transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, waste products, immune components, and hormones. Major organs include the heart, capillaries, arteries, and veins. The lymphatic system also transports excess fluids to and from circulatory system and transports fat to the heart.

How do nutrients get nto and out of the kidney?

The blood transports nutrients to all organs of the body. Waste products are filtered out of the blood by the kidney and excreted in urine.

What does your blood transport besides oxygen and carbon dioxide?

Food (nutrients), waste products, heat, glucose, water, hormones

What does transport in mammals generally involves?


What system transports nutrients and oxygen to the cells and takes carbon dioxide and waste products to the lungs and kidneys for elimination?


What tissues does your heart keep alive?

The heart pumps and circulates blood, which transports oxygen and nutrients to all tissues in the body - and transports away wastes (such as carbon dioxide and other waste products) to the eliminatory organs.

Do one of the functions of blood include energy production?

Overall, blood performs the following functions: 1. Transports oxygen from the lungs to body tissues and transports the waste products of cellular metabolism and nutrients, hormones and enzymes. 2. Regulates blood clotting, body temperature, acid-base balance, water and electrolytes. 3. Protects against harmful organisms through white cells and antibodies.

What system transports oxygen and nutrients to tissues?

The circulatory system transport nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. It includes the heart and all the blood vessels, including the blood. It also takes waste products out of the tissues.

What is the function of the phloem in the stem?

Part of the Vascular tissue, which transports nutrients and sugars throughout the plant.

Why is the blood called the river of life?

because it delivers necessary substances to the body's cells - such as nutrients and oxygen - and transports waste products away from those same cells.

What are some of the things the circulatory system does?

system of transport. Red blood cells transport oxygen and, depending on your school year CO2 Plasma transports nutrients, heat, hormones, urea, other waste products. also white blood cells in blood fight infection, producing antibodies, and engulfing bacteria with phagocytosis.