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It depends on what narcotic.

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Q: What is the solubility of narcotics?
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Related questions

What is the medical name for narcotics?

Narcotics is the medical name for narcotics. That's what narcotics are called.

Are opiates and narcotics the same?

opiates are narcotics

How much do narcotics cost illegally?

Well it depends on what kind of narcotics and quality of such narcotics. Also depends on the area.

When was Narcotics Anonymous created?

Narcotics Anonymous was created in 1953.

Can a person get narcotics in their body by hugging a person using narcotics?

Uhh, No...

How are narcotics taken?

Narcotics can be ingested any number of ways. Many narcotics are eaten, smoked or injected. Injection is the fastest method to the bloodstream.

When was Narcotics Control Bureau created?

Narcotics Control Bureau was created in 1986.

When was Central Narcotics Bureau created?

Central Narcotics Bureau was created in 1971.

Why do narcotics make pupils constrict?

They don't, narcotics make your pupils dilate.

Do Aspirin Tylenol or Advil have narcotics in them?

No. The active ingredients in Aspirin, Tylenol, and Advil are not narcotics. Narcotics can only be prescribed by a physician. Over the counter products do not contain narcotics. There are some prescription medications that combine active ingredients from them with narcotics, but they have their own brand names and are not called Aspirin, Tylenol, or Advil.

The ability of a substance to dissolve in a solvent is called?

The ability of a solute to dissolve in a solvent at a certain temperature is called solubility. The solubility of most solids in water increases with temperature increases.

Is heroin or morphine narcotics?

Both Heroin and Morphine are narcotics of a class known as "Opioides."