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Q: What is the single most important means of preventing the spread of infection?
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Why is handwashing important?

Its the #1 defense in preventing the spread of germs.

What does the term infection control refer to?

Typically, preventing a spread of infection from one to another. I guess it could mean something similar in an individual.

What is the best single way to prevent spread of infection?

hand washing

What are the importence of cleanliness?

Being clean is important in preventing the spread of infections and diseases.

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Why is it important to break the chain of infection?

It is important to break the chain of infection so that it doesn't spread. Infections have the ability to kill individuals.

Which is NOT a benefit of early testing for diagnosis of STIs?

a peace of mind if the results are negative b preventing possible cancer by HPV c treatment of discomfort of symptoms d preventing further spread of infection.

How can infection be spread and how can you minimize the risk of the spread of infection?

Infections can be spread through contact with infected individuals, contaminated surfaces, and through respiratory droplets. To minimize the risk of infection spread, practice good hand hygiene, avoid close contact with sick individuals, wear masks, clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and follow public health guidelines such as social distancing and vaccination.

Why is early diagnosis for HIV infection important?

to prevent the spread of HIV and to begin treatment as soon as possible

How important is practical skill in cooking keep people safe?

Using practical skills in cooking is very important in avoiding cuts and burns, and in preventing the spread of bacteria.

Can osteomylites spread?

Osteomyelitis is bone infection. Like any other infection, it can spread.

Can strep throat spread by talking?

Strep throat spread by droplet infection. This is airborne infection, mainly.