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well, for all the shots that ive taken so far in my life (im 12) the booster shot from the 6th grd to the 7th grade has to hert the most.

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Q: What is the shot that hurts the most?
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How does it feel when you get shot with a gun?

It either hurts and you survive or it hurts and you die.

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Yes, the year nine tetanus shot hurts. It hurts more than most shots, but less than the HPV shot. It is more of a muscle ache afterwards though.

What happens when shot in the back?

It hurts a lot.

What hurts the shot or medicene?

well both hurt but when the take out blood what hurts is the needle when I get the shot with medicine it hurts more but don't think about it and just listen to music or read a book something to distract you

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They yelp!! Because it hurts them!!

Does it hurt when you get a shot in your mouth?

the very first time it hurts because me, i have had 14 teeth pulled for braces and it hurts some of the times.

When was What Hurts the Most created?

What Hurts the Most was created on 2007-11-21.

Does it hurt getting shot by an air gun?

Yes. It depends on your level of pain, but it hurts.

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The back arm hurts the most for some reason.

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IT depends on where you get shot, if you get shot in the back of the head it hurts a lot more when it doesn't break, but if your get shot in the foot it doesn't hurt at all.

Should you get a flu shot this fall to avoid influenza?

The shot hardly hurts. It only lasts for a half of a second. And ever since the shot, I felt better! hope you feel better too!

Does a needle shot hurt without it numb?

Not to bad. It depends really what type of shot it is. If it is a tetnous shot, it hurts a little bit more, but you don't need to worry... it isn't too bad! (;