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PRINT "Press 1 for RATES"


PRINT "Press 3 for EXIT"

INPUT "Enter the number for the converter: " mode%

REM Rates

IF mode%=1 THEN

PRINT "Press 1 for euro rate"

PRINT "Press 2 for usa dollar rate"

PRINT "Press 3 for japanese yen rate"

PRINT "Press 4 for british pounds rate"

INPUT "Enter currency: " choice%

CASE choice% OF

WHEN 1:INPUT "Enter rate for EURO to GBP" EURtoGBPrate#

INPUT "Enter rate for EURO to YEN" EURtoYENrate#

INPUT "Enter rate for EURO to USD" EURtoUSDrate#

WHEN 2:INPUT "Enter rate for USD to EURO" USDtoEUROrate#

INPUT "Enter rate for USD to YEN" USDtoYENrate#

INPUT "Enter rate for USD to GBP" USDtoGBPrate#

WHEN 3:INPUT "Enter rate for YEN to EURO" YENtoEUROrate#








REM Convert

IFmode%=2 THEN

PRINT "Press 1 for euro converter"

PRINT "Press 2 for japanese yen converter"

PRINT "Press 3 for usa dollar converter"

PRINT "Press 4 for british pounds converter"

INPUT "Enter the number for the converter: " choice%

CASE choice% OF

WHEN 1: PRINT "You chose option 1 for euro converter"

WHEN 2: PRINT "You chose option 2 for japanese yen converter"

WHEN 3: PRINT "You chose option 3 for usa dollar converter"

WHEN 4: PRINT "You chose option 4 for british pounds converter"


PRINT FNusing("##.##",.15)

PRINT "The amount that you want to covert"

PRINT "Enter the amount that you want to convert"


UNTIL mode% = 3

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

For capsules, it's 3 years from production, so long as the inner packet has not been open, and it has been stored at the correct temperature.

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Q: What is the shelf life of tacrolimus drops?
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