PRINT "Press 1 for RATES"
PRINT "Press 3 for EXIT"
INPUT "Enter the number for the converter: " mode%
REM Rates
IF mode%=1 THEN
PRINT "Press 1 for euro rate"
PRINT "Press 2 for usa dollar rate"
PRINT "Press 3 for japanese yen rate"
PRINT "Press 4 for british pounds rate"
INPUT "Enter currency: " choice%
CASE choice% OF
WHEN 1:INPUT "Enter rate for EURO to GBP" EURtoGBPrate#
INPUT "Enter rate for EURO to YEN" EURtoYENrate#
INPUT "Enter rate for EURO to USD" EURtoUSDrate#
WHEN 2:INPUT "Enter rate for USD to EURO" USDtoEUROrate#
INPUT "Enter rate for USD to YEN" USDtoYENrate#
INPUT "Enter rate for USD to GBP" USDtoGBPrate#
WHEN 3:INPUT "Enter rate for YEN to EURO" YENtoEUROrate#
REM Convert
IFmode%=2 THEN
PRINT "Press 1 for euro converter"
PRINT "Press 2 for japanese yen converter"
PRINT "Press 3 for usa dollar converter"
PRINT "Press 4 for british pounds converter"
INPUT "Enter the number for the converter: " choice%
CASE choice% OF
WHEN 1: PRINT "You chose option 1 for euro converter"
WHEN 2: PRINT "You chose option 2 for japanese yen converter"
WHEN 3: PRINT "You chose option 3 for usa dollar converter"
WHEN 4: PRINT "You chose option 4 for british pounds converter"
PRINT FNusing("##.##",.15)
PRINT "The amount that you want to covert"
PRINT "Enter the amount that you want to convert"
UNTIL mode% = 3
The relatively shallow seabed surrounding a continent is called the continental shelf. It extends from the shoreline to the shelf break, where it drops off into the deeper ocean floor. The continental shelf is important for marine life and is often rich in nutrients.
Whar is the shelf life of the " Idioms "
The continental shelf layer is called the shelf break. It is the steepest part of the continental shelf where the seafloor drops off sharply towards the deeper ocean floor.
The shelf life of Chloramphenicol when it is unopened is 24 months. The shelf life when it's opened is 28 days.
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what is the shelf life of a quail egg
What is the shelf life for gulf was for canning
what is the shelf life of methadone when it comes in 40 mg tablets?
blood levels for tacrolimus should be checked and it should be >5
The shelf life of unopened petroleum jelly is around 3 years.
when its empty !