When referencing the entire organ, the term 'eye' is usually accepted. Specific names of parts (such as the sclera, conjunctiva, cornea, and iris) are used when describing characteristics or disease affecting said parts.
Eyeball is a compound word.
The eyelid.
The eyeball is called the eye or the eyeball, no other scientific names for it. And what do I call it? An e y e b a l l . :)
eyeball = galgal ha ayin (גַּלְגַּל הָעַיִן)
An eyeball is a ball in your eye
No, the word 'scientific' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun; for example, a scientific experiment, a scientific expedition.
The scientific word for people is homosapiens
No, an infant's eyeball is about 65 to 75% the size of a grown person's eyeball. They do get bigger, mostly before puberty.
the scientific word for hardness is density