

What is the release of urine?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: What is the release of urine?
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What is the pathway of urine from the blood to final release of urine from the body?

through the renal artery!

Does sphincter controls the release of urine?

Yes, a urethral sphincter controls the release of urine. This is a "flap" that is found between the kidneys and urethra that opens and closes to keep urine in, or let it down to be urinated out.

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Does women release during sex?

yes they can release a thick substance that is not urine

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firt pain to release

What are the functions of the bladder?

The function of the bladder is to store and release urine.

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It's function is to store and release urine

Contains the detrussor muscle for urine release?

The Bladder Wall

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72 hours

What is the function of a dog's bladder?

It's function is to store and release urine

Sac like organ in the body where urine is collected?

The bladder is a sac-like organ in the body where urine is collected before being excreted through the urethra. The bladder expands as it fills with urine and contracts to release the urine when necessary.

What is the medical term meaning urine is held within the bladder and not released?

Urinary retention is the condition of being unable to release urine from the bladder.