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If you're talking about the book 'of mice and men', they pretty much hate each other;

In one scene, Curley beats up Lennie for no real reason, George tells Lennie to fight back, so Lennie does, not meaning to break/seriously injure Curley's hand. After this incident, Curley hates Lennie, (obvious) and hates George for being Lennie's friend, and not being on Lennie's side.

Something that doesn't help their relationship, is how protective Curley is over Curley's wife. Curley's wife is very flirtatious, and tries to have conversations with both George and Lennie. Curley hates George for flirting with his wife, even though it wasnt his fault. He is also too strict with his wife, which makes her go looking for even more trouble.

Near the end of the novella, Curley's wife tries to talk to Lennie in the barn, but they get into a bit of trouble, by Lennie accidentally killing her. he then runs away, knowing how much trouble he will be in with everybody. When Curley finds out what happened, he automatically blames Lennie without proof, so therefore hates George even more.

Hope this helps, and if you watch the film, it should be a bit clearer.

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