It's the pull of the moon that determines the tide pull. When it's low tide, and the waves are pulling back from the shore, it means that the Moon is starting to pull away from the Earth. The Moon's cycle pulls away, and comes back over and over in one day. That's what low and high tide are. When the waves are crashing to the shore, it means that the pull of gravity from the Moon is making the waves crash onto the shore. It all depends on the pull of the Moon, and the effect it has on the waves gravity.
By new and full moon
The attraction from the moon, and less from the sun, causes the waters of the world to form the tides of flood and ebb.
No, the moon affects the tides, but the tides do not affect the moon.
No, a planet without a moon would not have extreme tides. Tides are primarily caused by the gravitational pull between a planet and its moon. Without a moon, there would be no significant tidal forces acting on the planet.
At full and new, low tide is lower.
Higher-than-average "spring" tides occur at the new moon and full moon phases. Lower-than-average "neap" tides happen at the quarter-moon phases.
During the new and full moons, the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun align, causing higher high tides (spring tides) and lower low tides (neap tides). This alignment results in more extreme tidal fluctuations than during other phases of the moon.
The moon control's the tides
Spring Tides Are Extreme Tides And Neap Tides Are Weaker Tides.
it can affect tides,
There is limited scientific evidence to suggest a direct correlation between phases of the moon and weather patterns. While some studies have shown a weak connection between the two, meteorologists primarily rely on other atmospheric factors to forecast weather. The moon's gravitational pull does influence tides but its impact on weather is not well-established.
The highest tides, known as spring tides, occur during the full moon and new moon phases when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned, creating a stronger gravitational pull on the ocean. Spring tides cause higher high tides and lower low tides.