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Without really understanding the context of your question, I'll try to answer in the most concise and informative manner possible. The three tiers of government, both state and Fed, are structured with the Legislative branch, the judcial branch and the executive branch. The legislative branch is made up of elected individuals chosen by us (Fed is Senate and Congress while State is Senate and House of Reps). They make the laws there, vetting them and passing them back and forth through the process to make sure everything is "good" in the bil. If the bill passes, it is then sent to the executive branch (Fed-President, State-Governor). If they sign it, it goes into law. If they don't sign it then it goes into law after a period of time. If they veto (deny) the law, then it doesn't go into effect. The third branch of government is the courts. They rule on what the lawmakers' intent was while writing the bill, along with eac judge's personal interpretation. They are able to keep each other in check through various means of "checks and balances." (Example, the Leg passes a bill to destroy all national parks. If the governor/president is crazy enough to sign it, then from there the courts would likely make a ruling to decide if it's constitutional, not crazy, etc. These checks and balances allow every branch of government to be transparent and easily changed if needed. The "4th branch" of government, which really does not exist but a lot of people jokingly say this, is the people. We vote, we elect, we decide ultimately. Even if we vote in someone who turns out to be a crack pot, we have the right to gather millions of signatures and get them taken out. Hope that answers the question.

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Q: What is the relationship among three tiers of government?
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