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Q: What is the recommended length of time to spend washing hands?
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Is germ x more effective or soap and hot water to wash your hands?

washing hands because you spend more time under soap and water, therefore suspending more microbe bacteria on your hands.

What are some bad aspects of soap?

if your allergic to it or it doesn't do a perfect job as the soap doesn't get all the germs off when you spend ages washing your hands. also they could make your hands sore and some soap is made out of a part of whale.

What is a good amount of time to spend on exercising?

It is recommended that you spend a minimum of 30 minutes exercising each day.

What is the recommended amount of time to spend on an ISO exercise for optimal results?

The recommended amount of time to spend on an ISO exercise for optimal results is typically around 30-60 seconds per set.

When is the flu infectious?

All of the time it can live on most surfaces for days. Hand washing is one of the best preventions for the flu. As a general rule any soap is just as good as antibacterial soap. When washing your hands sing the happy birthday song in your head, it sounds crazy but that is the right amount of time you should spend washing your hands. If you are not close to a sink antibacterial lotions or wipes will due. Keep wipes like "Clorox wipes" around to wipe things off like phones, door knobs, anything that people may cough or sneeze into their hand and then touch.

12 minutes washing and 5 minutes taking out the garbage how many minutes did i spend?

17 mins

How did the electric washing machine help?

It saves a lot of work compared to washing clothes by hand. Many women in undeveloped countries spend about a day doing what a machine will do in half an hour.

What is The length of time you should spend on a workout depends on the?

type of trainning

Do persons with server runny nose from allergies are most likey to be carriers of MRSA?

No. Everyone who works in a hospital or other medical facility is taught proper hand washing technique. Since American litigation procedures are spreading world wide, proper hand washing techniques are being taught to food processing workers. MRSA is a bacterial disease normally spread when a health care worker takes care of one patient and does not properly wash his or her hands before seeing the next patient. As a result, the MRSA bacteria travels from patient to patient. Allergies have nothing to do with it. Today restaurant workers and food processing workers are being checked on to make sure they wash their hands, especially after coming to work and using a toilet. It is far less expensive to have an employee spend a minute hand washing than to face a lawsuit for millions. Proper hand washing involves interlocking fingers not just rubbing the palms of your hands together.

How much you have to spend for buying a hands-free vaporizer?

You can buy a handsfree vaporizer between $150 to $200.

How much time does a baby spend in its mother's uterus?

The average length of a pregnancy is 39 weeks.

Are circumcised penises smaller than uncircumcised ones?

No; circumcision does not affect the length of penises. It does affect the length of time you spend online asking questions about your dick.