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The purpose of government health care program is to serve low-income families and individuals who cannot afford insurance.

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Q: What is the purpose of government health care programs?
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Each government handles health care and the costs differently. It would help to know which government and health care programs that you are referencing.

What is health care bill about?

Health care bill is the amount reserved for health care policies by the government usually in the form of public sector insurance programs or private sector insurance companies. The purpose is to provide improved quality of health care in low cost.

What are the two major government health care programs?

Medicaid and Medicare

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Statutory health and social care services are programs created by the government that must exist due to a written law. An example of these programs is social service.

What are three government sources that pay for mental health care?

Medicaid, Medicare, Department of Defense and/or Veterans Programs.

What is the purpose of the care bill?

The purpose of the health care bill is so that everyone in the United States has an opportunity affordable health care. The health care bill is highly debated.

Why are preventative health care programs such a free flu shots essential communities?

Preventative health care programs fight disease and prolong life

Why are preventative health care programs such a free flu shots essential for communities?

Preventative health care programs fight disease and prolong life

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Health Care

What is the average cost of Healthcare?

There are so many different programs out there that your question is very difficult to answer. People pay for health care via PPOs, HMOs, private pay, employer health programs, and government assistance (Medicaid/Medicare).

What is the purpose of taxing?

To fund the government of the country. Taxes provide the means for the government to provide services to the country, such as road maintenance, health care, and a military to defend its people.

What amendment guarantee the right to health care?

There is nothing in the constitution about a right to health care. For over 60 years the discussion about health care has been going on. We have to ask ourselves what the purpose of government is and what we want from it. The founding fathers stated that the job of government is for the common good of the citizens. Not for people to get rich from the poor, not to wage war, but to see to the protection of the people.